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As is only natural, we commoners have an obsession with movie stars, their careers, creations, public image, and private lives. We tend to think of the world of film-making as glamorous and wonderful, a sort of hyper-idealized version of our own lives, and we expect their experiences on set to live up to that image. Yet, the reality of movie-making is far less golden, stranger, and sometimes even scarier. The actors we are used to seeing on our screens are sometimes up to no good when they’re on set. Here are some of the creepiest stories from behind the scenes…
#1: Oliver Robins and the Clown, Poltergiest
Sometimes, you build technology that is just too good. That’s what happened in the case of Poltergeist when a clown doll meant to turn evil and strangle Robbie actually began strangling him, not knowing the strength of its own mechanical arms. Talk about robots becoming stronger [and more violent] than their human creators.

The worst part is that the actor who fell victim to this homicidal clown was only 11 years old. He luckily escaped with his life, which is more than can be said of the other underage actors who starred in the film. They passed away in the subsequent decades, leaving only Robins alive.