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Some people say the mall is a dying breed, but it’s still a special place during the holidays. The biggest highlight has to be the ever-present mall Santa. As you may recall from your own childhood, visiting with Santa is a very, very big deal for kids. They have to let him know exactly what they want for Christmas, after all. But the things that kids ask for may surprise you. Instead of new-fangled iPhones and over-priced plastic toys, some of their requests are pretty unique. Here are some of the funniest, sweetest, and straight-up inappropriate things kids have asked from mall Santa.
The Heart Wants What It Wants
Waiting for two hours to see Santa at the mall may seem ridiculous to some, but this parent wanted her daughter to have the full mall Santa experience. They patiently waited in line for two whole hours, anticipating the big moment they’d get to meet Santa Claus. In classic little kid fashion, our storyteller’s daughter surprised her once it was her turn to speak with Santa.

Instead of toys and special gifts, her daughter asked for a hot dog. It sounds like she was pretty hungry. Waiting in line for two hours can do that to a kid! We love how she focused on her immediate needs instead of her long-term Christmas wishes. Hopefully, Santa was able to make her wish come true by recommending a nearby food court restaurant.