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We’ve all encountered those who have peculiar demands in our daily lives, from the specific way they need their morning coffee to extreme temperature preferences or peculiar parking space requirements. These individuals can be challenging, and they’re not even celebrities. Celebrities often have unique demands when performing or appearing at events. To secure their presence, managers, promoters, and venue staff globally must cater to these whims… And believe us, some of these demands aren’t for the faint of heart.
1. Beyoncé
Demand: A room at the temperature of 77°F and a buffet without Coca-Cola
Cost of Demand: $10,000*
World-renowned artist Beyoncé, famous not only for her music but her unique demands, insists on a hotel room maintained at 77 degrees Fahrenheit and a Coca-Cola-free buffet, all amounting to a noteworthy $10,000.

Beyoncé’s peculiar requirements include a dressing room set precisely at 77 degrees Fahrenheit, a specific request for heavily cayenne-peppered chicken thighs, rose-scented candles to set the mood, and an absolute ban on Coca-Cola products to honor her Pepsi allegiance.